Here's my favorite passage from the good book;
I returned and saw under the sun that -
The race is not to the swift,
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill;
But time and chance happen to them all.
Ecclesiastes 9:11
Bill Clinton ends chapter three with a brief passage that speaks volumes. Starting on page 20 (paperback) he talks about discovering the movies. He also reveals his favorite movie to this day, a classic Western called
High Noon.
Even more revealing is the reason why the ex-President loves it so much. "…because from start to finish Gary Cooper is scared to death but does the right thing anyway." And …"I often thought of the look in Gary Cooper's eyes as he stares into the face of almost certain defeat, and how he keeps walking through his fears toward his duty."
It is instructive that there were many reasons that would have stopped Bill Clinton from entering the race for the White house when he did (we'll look at that in more detail when we get to that part of the book). During the campaign itself there were many setbacks and a few times when it looked like his bid for the presidency was over. But it seems like Gary Cooper in
High Noon Clinton kept walking.
Many of us miss our big opportunities in life when they come calling simply because we want to avoid our High Noon at all costs, not knowing that opportunity, in fact big opportunity is always lurking around that High Noon confrontation.
We never really get to take our time and chance.
Bill Clinton with all his faults and with an old classic movie as his inspiration faced his High Noons and many times "...stared into the face of almost certain defeat," the rest as they say, is history.